Chuchu Chen


Welcome! I am currently a Ph.D candidate in Robot Perception and Navigation Group (RPNG) under the direction of Prof. Guoquan (Paul) Huang at University of Delaware (UD). I earned my Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Harbin Engineering University in 2017. My research focuses on robotics and state estimation.

Email / CV / Tech-Reports / Google Scholar / LinkedIn / ResearchGate

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  • [ Aug 2024 ] - I am actively seeking faculty and postdoc positions.
    If you know of any suitable opportunities or believe my expertise would be a valuable addition to your team, I would appreciate your consideration. For comprehensive details about my qualifications and experience, please refer to my CV.
  • [ Jul 2024 ] - Our new IJRR paper on VIO initialization is now available.
  • [ May 2024 ] - Square Root Filter-based VINS won the ICRA 2024 Best Paper Award Finalist (Robot Vision).
  • [ Mar 2024 ] - Five papers accepted to ICRA 2024.
  • [ Feb 2024 ] - I have been awarded the Doctoral Fellowship for Excellence!
  • [ Jul 2023 ] - Our paper won the RSS 2023 Best Student Paper Finalist.

My research interests focus on state estimation and spatial AI for robotics, including probabilistic sensing, localization, mapping, perception and planning of autonomous ground, aerial and underwater vehicles:

1. Consistent Visual-inertial Navigation systems (VINS)
2. Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM)
3. Nonlinear state estimation and optimization theory
4. Information fusion, sensor calibration and system parameter identification

secure Visual-Inertial State Estimation with Decoupled Error and State Representations
Chuchu Chen* , Yuxiang Peng*, and Guoquan Huang
International Workshop on the Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics (WAFR) , 2024
bibtex / pdf

secure Fast and robust learned single-view depth-aided monocular visual-inertial initialization
Nathaniel Merrill, Patrick Geneva, Saimouli Katragadda, Chuchu Chen, and Guoquan Huang
The International Journal of Robotics Research , 2024
bibtex / pdf

secure Fast and Consistent Covariance Recovery for Sliding-window Optimization-based VINS
Chuchu Chen, Yuxiang Peng and Guoquan Huang
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) , 2024
bibtex / pdf / tech report

secure Ultrafast Square-Root Filter-based VINS
Yuxiang Peng, Chuchu Chen and Guoquan Huang
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) , 2024 [ICRA 2024 Best Paper Award Finalist (Robot Vision)]
bibtex / pdf / tech report

secure Quantized Visual-Inertial Odometry
Yuxiang Peng, Chuchu Chen and Guoquan Huang
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) , 2024
bibtex / pdf

secure Degenerate Motions of Multisensor Fusion-based Navigation
Woosik Lee, Chuchu Chen and Guoquan Huang
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) , 2024
bibtex / pdf / tech report

secure NeRF-VINS: A Real-time Neural Radiance Field Map-based Visual-Inertial Navigation System
Saimouli Katragadda, Woosik Lee, Yuxiang Peng, Patrick Geneva,
Chuchu Chen, Chao Guo, Mingyang Li and Guoquan Huang
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024
bibtex / pdf / tech report

secure MINS: Efficient and Robust Multisensor-aided Inertial Navigation System
Woosik Lee, Patrick Geneva, Chuchu Chen and Guoquan Huang
arXiv, 2023
bibtex / pdf / code

secure Optimization-based VINS: Consistency, Marginalization, and FEJ
Chuchu Chen, Patrick Geneva, Yuxiang Peng, Woosik Lee and Guoquan Huang
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2023
bibtex / pdf / tech report / slides / talk

secure Fast Monocular Visual-Inertial Initialization Leveraging Learned Single-View Depth
Nathaniel Merrill, Patrick Geneva, Saimouli Katragadda, Chuchu Chen, and Guoquan Huang
Proc. of Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), [Best Student Paper Award Finalist] 2023
bibtex / pdf / tech report / video

secure Monocular Visual-Inertial Odometry with Planar Regularities
Chuchu Chen*, Patrick Geneva*, Yuxiang Peng, Woosik Lee, and Guoquan Huang
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023
bibtex / pdf / video / slides / talk / dataset / source code

secure Visual-Inertial-Aided Online MAV System Identification
Chuchu Chen *, Yulin Yang*, Patrick Geneva, Woosik Lee and Guoquan Huang
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2022
bibtex / pdf / tech report / slides / video / talk

secure FEJ2: A Consistent Visual-Inertial State Estimator Design
Chuchu Chen, Yulin Yang, Patrick Geneva and Guoquan Huang
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022
bibtex / pdf / tech report / slides / talk

secure Decoupled Right Invariant Error States for Consistent Visual-Inertial Navigation
Yulin Yang, Chuchu Chen, Woosik Lee and Guoquan Huang
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RAL), 2022
bibtex / pdf / tech report

secure Versatile 3D Multi-Sensor Fusion for Lightweight 2D Localization
Patrick Geneva, Nathaniel Merrill, Yulin Yang, Chuchu Chen, Woosik Lee and Guoquan Huang
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020
bibtex / pdf / video / slides

secure Analytic Combined IMU Integration (ACI^2) For Visual Inertial Navigation
Yulin Yang, Benzun Pious Wisely Babu, Chuchu Chen, Guoquan Huang and Liu Ren
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) , 2020
bibtex / pdf / video / supp. materials

secure Navigation Functions with Moving Destinations and Obstacles
Cong Wei*, Chuchu Chen* and Herbert Tanner
Autonomous Robots, 2023
bibtex / pdf / video

secure Navigation Functions with non-Point Destinations and Moving Obstacles
Chuchu Chen, Caili Li, Herbert G. Tanner
American Control Conference (ACC), 2020

bibtex / pdf

Special thanks to Jon Barron and Patrick Geneva for the website's source code.